2707 Bolton Boone Drive, Suite 101, DeSoto, Texas, 75115
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Medicare is a federal health insurance program that provides coverage for seniors and some disabled individuals. Medicaid is a government-funded healthcare program that provides medical assistance to low-income individuals and families. If you qualify for Medicare or Medicaid
and have a doctor's order, you may be able to use it to help cover the cost of your STAT LABS
medical testing services. Additionally, we do accept Tricare and a other commercial insurances,
with a doctor's order.
At STAT LABS, we understand the need for convenient and reliable mobile testing services. For that reason, we are proud to offer on-site testing to ensure that companies can quickly and accurately test their employees in a safe environment. From workplace accidents to general health and safety, our mobile testing services provide a comprehensive solution. Click here to learn more about our mobile testing services.
1 Our team will review your information.
2 A staff member will contact you as soon as possible.
3 We will work with you to schedule your appointment.
For more information or to schedule an appointment, call us at 800-785-4956 or complete the form.
Business Hours